
Former Disney CEO Says Beautiful Women Can't Be Funny

A former CEO for Disney is turning some heads with a shocking statement. Michael Eisner says it’s difficult to find a beautiful woman who is also funny. According to news.com.au, he was speaking at the Aspen Ideas Festival with actress Goldie Hawn last week. That’s where he concocted a theory to explain Hawn’s years of success in Hollywood.

“From my position, the hardest artist to find is a beautiful, funny woman,” he said. “By far. They usually – boy am I going to get in trouble, I know this goes online – but usually, unbelievably beautiful women, you being an exception,” referring to Hawn, “are not funny.”

Eisner was the CEO of Disney from 1984 to 2005. He helped films like Who Framed Roger Rabbit and The Little Mermaid get started.

His comments sound eerily similar to that of a 2007 Vanity Fair article by writer Christopher Hitchens. He says that women are not funny because “women have no corresponding need to appeal to men this way.” He went on to say, “They already appeal to men, if you catch my drift.”

But Eisner’s comments didn’t stop there. He went on to say that most female artists aren’t funny, and continued on by adding they virtually don’t exist.

(h/t news.com.au)

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