Mother Looking Forward to Reunion With Baby, Who Was Abandoned at Davie Fire Station While She Was Jailed

Jessica Conover, 28, was granted supervised weekly visits with her son Daniel

A mother whose 5-month-old baby was abandoned at a Davie fire station while she was in jail is looking forward to seeing him for the first time in over a month.

Jessica Conover, 28, was granted supervised weekly visits with her son Daniel at a hearing to determine his future.

She was in a jail cell when she saw her baby’s face appear on television after he was dropped off at the Davie fire station’s Safe Haven Jan. 23.

"My first instinct was 'Oh my God,' he was left there overnight. He was hungry, he was crying. He was alone," Conover said.

She was in custody for a probation violation following a domestic violence incident. Hollywood Police said she bit and beat her husband Robert, who is Daniel's father. She has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Now staying at a halfway house, Conover is four months pregnant with her second child – and eagerly awaiting a supervised visit with her firstborn in Fort Lauderdale on Friday.

"I get to see the love of my life, on Valentine's Day. My husband's getting better, that was the first Valentine's gift, and I find out I get to hold my son," she said.

Conover said her husband has checked himself into a detox facility.

Robert Conover told authorities he left Daniel with a friend. Jessica Conover says another one of their mutual friends dropped the baby off at the fire station.

"It’s completely illegal, all of it. They're not the parents, Daniel was way over the age and you're supposed to leave them with a staff member," she said.

Davie Police are not expected to charge the person who dropped off the baby.

Authorities say that in his short lifetime, little Daniel has endured much instability. Conover admits she and her husband have struggled with addiction. She says they relapsed after Daniel was born, but she says she's working to bring her family together.

"Me and my husband need to take this as a severe warning. I know it’s going to take some time and it’s already happening so quickly,” she said. “I get to see my son tomorrow and the next week and usually that doesn't happen."

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