World's “2nd Ugliest Dog” Is Quasi Modo From Florida

Quasi Modo is the "World's 2nd Ugliest Dog"

A small Florida dog is getting international attention -- all for being ugly.

Quasi Modo, a short dog with a round body and long legs, is now known as the World's Second Ugliest Dog after coming in 2nd place at the World's Ugliest Dog competition in Marin County, California.

The dog, from Loxahatchee Groves, Fla., is missing some vertebrae and the remainder are fused together, causing her head to disappear into her neck and body and making her look hump-backed.

Yet, Quasi's owners say the dog's appearance is what makes her so endearing.

"Maybe that's why we got second instead of first, because she's so ugly she's cute," owner Virginia Sayre tells NBC affiliate WPTV.

Sayre, a veterinarian, and husband Mike Carroll rescued Quasi about 14 years ago.

"I love the dog, she's not ugly," Carroll said to WPTV.

Quasi came in 2nd to Peanut, a 2-year-old mutt who was seriously burned as a puppy.

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