Three men have been arrested in connection with an armed robbery of a couple who was forced to take off their clothes on Miami Beach, police said Wednesday.
Xavier Joey Lopez and Rafael Gabriel Monroy, both 21, and 20-year-old Michael Rudy Martinez were all arrested Tuesday on multiple charges. All three were being held without bond Wednesday, and it's unknown if they've hired attorneys.
According to arrest reports, the robbery happened shortly after midnight on June 22 in the sand in the 800 block of the beach when the couple was approached by two men, Lopez and Monroy.
Monroy pointed a gun at the victims and demanded they hand over their property, then demanded they remove their clothing, the reports said. The victims complied, fearing for their lives.
The thieves grabbed the couple's cell phones, $300 in cash, gold rings and wallet with credit cards, the reports said. Then Lopez began fondling the woman and sexually battered her before the man became enraged and the two suspects ran off, the reports said.
The victims got dressed and found a marked police car and reported the crime. Lopez and Monroy ran to a waiting car driven by Martinez, the reports said.
All three men are charged with armed robbery. Lopez was also charged with sexual battery and possession of a controlled substance, Xanax. Monroy, who was found with the victims' gold rings at the time of his arrest, was also charged with dealing in stolen property, police said.
Martinez, who admitted to being the getaway driver and to using the victim's credit card at McDonald's, was also charged with fraudulent use of a credit card, police said.
"We believe they may be responsible for additional robberies along Miami Beach, our detectives are working on that, but the main thing is they are behind bars where they belong," Miami Beach Police Det. Ernesto Rodriguez said.
Police said they worked around the clock and developed several leads that led them to the suspects.
"Although a truly terrible crime occurred we are happy to report that all involved subjects have been arrested and charged accordingly," police said in a statement.