Getting Rid of Smelly Poo the Green Way

Zoo Miami needs your help to win grant that’ll get rid of zoo doo

Pepsi’s Refresh Project is handing out $250,000 toward a project that will benefit a lucky community, and Zoo Miami needs your help herding all the votes.

The zoo wants to minimize their ecological footprint by purchasing an accelerated composter that will allow them to turn smelly waste into fertilizer. This will largely reduce the usage of chemical fertilizers, mulch, and space for all the zoo doo. In doing so, the zoo will save on expenses and be able to use those funds for further development.

Pepsi’s Refresh Project gives away millions of dollars every month to help individuals, groups, and organizations lift up any ideas they have off the ground that will make a positive impact to their community.

The Zoological Society of Florida and Zoo Miami want to get the community involved in their efforts to go green. To help spread the word, click here to vote.

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