How Romantic! Miami Named a City for Lovers

Miami ranks second on Amazon's "Most Romantic Cities" list

Forget Paris. Miami is really where you want to be for romance.

Amazon has named the Magic City the second most romantic city in the United States, a perfect segue from gyrating at strip clubs for the Super Bowl to Valentine's Day weekend.

Now, we know what you are saying, "How can a city that promotes the single life be romantic?" Well the answer is simple.

Barry White.

According to Amazon, customers from Miami have a deep love for the late "Maestro of Love" and bought his CD in large quantities since the beginning of the year. Add to that, high purchase numbers in sex and relationship books, romantic comedies and "sexual wellness" products and you have the recipe for amore.

Topping the list of romance was Alexandria, Virginia.

Also making the Top 20 list were Miami Gardens, Orlando, Gainesville and Tallahassee and we all know how romantic those keggers at Florida State and University of Florida can be.

So turn up the Barry White this weekend and rejoice that you live in Miami. Show ya right!

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