South Florida

Months of Heavy Rain Threaten Florida Everglades

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission warns that the Florida Everglades is in danger due to high water conditions.

Commissioner Ron Bergeron said the conditions precipitated due to significant precipitation in June, which was then followed by Hurricane Irma.

To make matters worse, add Tropical Storm Philippe's visit last weekend.

"The last time I saw it like this was in '94," Bergeron said.

Hurricane Irma put "substantial water on top of the Everglades and, as you remember last week, we had a tropical storm that laid down another five inches of rain across South Florida," Bergeron added.

Due to all this rain, water levels in the area are now 30 inches higher than desired – causing continuous stress on wildlife and the habitat.

Bergeron said regulating water flow from the northern, central and southern Everglades is the key to "minimize the duration of this event and minimize the impact to all of the wildlife that lives in the beautiful Everglades."

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