
South Florida Celebrates National Dog Day 2016!

Happy National Dog Day, South Florida!

Started in 2004 by pet and family lifestyle expert and animal advocate Colleen Paige, National Dog Day aims to recognize the number of dogs that need to be rescued each year, and also acknowledges the every day dogs that save lives, keep us safe, help make our lives easier and complete our families.

Top Dog Names in Miami 20161

Besides sharing photos of our furry friends, dog owners and non-dog owners alike are encouraged to support National Dog Day by volunteering time or making a donation to their local animal shelter.

We want to see pictures of the dogs who bring joy and companionship to your life! Send us a photo and we will post it in a gallery on our website and app, and you may see it on our air!

Share your photos on social media using the hashtag #NBC6. Or upload them using the NBC News and Weather app!

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