
Florida Delegates React to Controversy Over Melania Trump's RNC Speech

The furor over whether parts of Monday night's speech by Donald Trump's wife may have been lifted was all the talk during Day 2 of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland Tuesday.

NBC 6 spoke with some members of the Florida Delegation, who think it's much ado about nothing and are saying move on. Most delegates basically said it's all about values that any woman would have and want for their kids.

"She was trying to give a nice wife speech from a mother's heart and she's being attacked," Florida delegate Mitzi Prater said. "I believe she did well, she did a good job for what she was doing."

"God bless that these are values as Americans' we hold dear to us. This is what we work and hope for that our children will grow up to have a better life," Palm Beach delegate Robin Bernstein said.

The Trump campaign put out a statement that pretty much denies that anything was plagiarized. They say they were the personal thoughts of Melania Trump.

"I don't think it's even worth to be talking about it. I think there were some who wanted her to fail and she didn't fail so the next thing is to kinda break it down but come on, she just said what any of us would say, pretty much," delegate Chris Pate said. "I don't see how you could say she copied Mrs. Obama."

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