
Florida Governor Proposing $106 Million Civics Education Initiative


Gov. Ron DeSantis is proposing a $106 million civics education initiative for Florida's public schools.

The initiative would support civics literacy and education for students and would give $3,000 bonuses to teachers who complete training and earn a "Florida Civics Seal of Excellence," DeSantis announced at a news conference in Naples Wednesday.

DeSantis said he wants the state to focus on "foundational curriculum" and not on what he called "politicized academic fads."

"It will expressly exclude unsanctioned narratives like critical race theory and other unsubstantiated theories," DeSantis said. "Let me be clear, there is no room in our classrooms for things like critical race theory, teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money."

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