Gregg Dunay was left beaten and bloody after he said he was the victim of a road rage attack in Pinellas County, Florida. Dunay claimed he was targeted for having a Trump bumper sticker and a Trump banner on his minivan.
He said the attack happened Wednesday when he tried to change lanes and another driver wouldn’t let him.
That’s when he said the situation escalated.
"He was cursing at me. He's saying 'F Trump,' 'F Trump's mother,' all this stuff and I just said that's why Trump is now our president, because of stuff like this," Dunay said.
Surveillance cameras then captured the suspects at a gas station parking lot down the street from where the incident started.
When Dunay stopped at the light, the other driver came out of nowhere and attacked, he said.
"I turn, and that's when he punched me," Dunay said.
The suspect then ran, leaving Dunay bloody and with no question about the motive.
"The Trump sticker and the Trump banner. That's all what it's about," Dunay said.
Kenneth City police confirmed it was definitely a case of road rage. But was it politically motivated as Dunay claims?
"That may be the case or not the case," said Chief Kevin Riley of Kenneth City police. "We're still investigating that and it will be a part of our investigation. Again, we're focused on the battery that occurred and finding the suspect or suspects."
Dunay, a huge Trump supporter, has been to eight rallies and the inauguration.
He believes that people need to accept that Trump is the president.
"He's our president," he said. "We got to get over it. You can change your mind in four years."