Miami-Dade Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho said the district is preparing for any possible local impacts from coronavirus and has a plan in place to contain the spread of the virus.
"@MDCPS has been vigilantly monitoring the #coronavirus since it was first reported. We're prepared to implement @HealthyFla & @CDCgov recs, quickly activating all resources to inform parents, students & staff should health-related messaging be needed," Carvalho tweeted Tuesday.
At a news conference Wednesday, Carvalho said that although there were no known reported cases in South Florida, it's better to be safe than sorry.
"The best prevention is quite frankly the old true and tried personal hygiene," Carvalho said. "If you're feeling any one of these types of symptoms - fever, body aches, scratchy nose or throat - don't come to school if you're a student, don't report for work if you're an employee."
Carvalho said there are a number of strategies that could be implemented if needed, including reducing face-to-face contact through smaller student grouping, and maximizing digital/tele-education opportunities.
"In preparation for the possibility of local detection of #coronavirus, we are prepared to implement, should need warrant it, alternate dismissal of students, reduce large scale student assemblies, while increasing school cleaning cycles," he wrote.
The CDC on Tuesday warned the American public to prepare for an an outbreak of the disease, which has spawned more than 80,000 cases around the world but relatively few so far in the U.S.
“More so than an approaching hurricane, which causes stress, kids are concerned about the Coronavirus," Carvalho said. "They are discussing it in their schools, they’re asking a lot of questions. They are worried."