Students and staff were evacuated after a pressure cooker was found outside Hialeah Elementary School Thursday morning, officials said.
The cooker was found under a tree about five-feet from the kindergarten building at the school at 550 East 8th Street, school board officials said.
Footage showed students and teachers gathered on outdoor basketball courts away from the building.
A school bus was close to the item and police had the nearby street closed off as a bomb squad and firefighters responded.
"When I saw the message, I ran to the car. I have to get my daughter," said Carmen Polanco, concerned parent.
Polanco was among the rush of parents who arrived at the school after being notified by administrators. They were informed that their children were in good hands, away from danger, but that didn't stop many from attempting to pickup their kids.
The bomb squad detonated the item and it didn't appear to be dangerous.
Before noon, and after police swept inside and outside the school, students were allowed back inside and filed back into the classrooms.