
Teacher Wins $10K for Reading Fine Print in Insurance Policy

Buried in the fine print was a promise of $10,000 for the first person to send an email to a specific address

A Florida travel insurance company has awarded a Georgia high school teacher $10,000 for reading the fine print in a policy she recently purchased.

A Squaremouth statement says Donelan Andrews claimed the prize 23 hours after the contest began.

The St. Petersburg-based company says it launched the secret contest Feb. 11. Buried in the fine print was a promise of $10,000 for the first person to send an email to a specific address.

Besides the $10,000 for Andrews, Squaremouth says it's giving another $10,000 to a children's literacy charity, plus $5,000 each to the two schools where Andrews teaches consumer economics.

Andrews says she applied for retirement a week before winning the contest. The prize will fund a trip to Scotland with her husband to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary.

NBC6 Responds Sasha Jones hits the streets to offer viewers a chance to appear on NBC 6, but they must agree to our terms and conditions with some added restrictions. We show you what’s at risk when you don’t read agreement contracts.
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