11/23: We've Got a Case of the Yumdays

Three new restos that'll have you skipping the grocery store this week

HOLY MOLE: What can make you forget about that 2-hour meeting and stack of TPS reports? Some good guac and a margarita, of course. At new Mexican spot Talavera in the Gables, scoop up massive quantities of Mocajete Talavera (guac made-to-order), bite into fresh tuna and fish tacos, and wash it all down with one of their signature margaritas, which are made from all-natural local ingredients. In that case, we'll have two.

PIE HIGH: Pizza joint is the new steakhouse in Miami, and a late contender has entered the race for best pie. You can find Luna Corner Pizza on the Upper East Side serving Neapolitan-style pizza, and it's the first stateside venture for the Amatruda family, which has been tossing dough in Italy for more than 40 years.

WAVY GRAVY: With a name that translates to "The Tide," you've got to expect stellar seafood. La Marea at The Tides hotel has got just that, not to mention a brand spanking new menu that includes an Acapulco prawn cocktail and tempura shrimp fritters.

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