A Holy Birthday

Ain't no party like a Trappist monk beer party

If you’re a beer fanatic, you’ve probably spent some time on the other side of the Atlantic tasting fine brews made by the calloused hands of Trappist monks.

Although their holy sweat and toil does make for good beer, if you want a delicious beverage a little closer to home, save your miles and come by The Abbey.
Since 1995, these guys have been brewing with quality on South Beach for a not-so South Beach crowd. Talk about being green -- some of the Abbey’s great tasting elixirs are brewed in South Florida, thereby depleting less of the ozone layer to get from inception to belly. You’ll be supporting not only your drinking habit, but also a fine local business. Two birds, one stone.

On this Sunday, day of rest, from 1 to 1, you can drink till you drop in celebration of fourteen years of intoxication with taste. For $25, you get a plastic cup and access to unlimited quantities of select drafts. The rest of the extreme selection remains un-free but still delicious and eclectic and worth every penny.

Usually the atmosphere is intimate, the lighting low, and the crowd interesting. However on the birthdays, the doors to this small bar open and people line the street, creating a sort of kegger on 16th Street.

After 12 hours of drinking in the 90 degree weather, there will be moments when you think you’re not going to make it, but there’s always more beer, so just keep drinking!

For more of Liz Tracy's Miami missives, vist her blog, Miami, bro.

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