Come One, Come All

Raffa and Rainer return to Churchill's

For good reason, Churchill’s can’t get enough of Raffa and Rainer.

Even though their weekly night, Can You Rock A Little Softer, ended a while back, they’re going to return to play at the pub this Wednesday. We’re not sure it’s a return to the night they once threw, but we can all hope. Raffa’s voice, her sweet lyrics and Rainer’s strumming all come together to form a soothing sound.

This is sort of the stuff smiles are made of. You'd think it'd he hard to promote good folk music in Miami, but these two make it look easy.

This Wednesday night will be filled with the sweet music of acoustic performers all competing to win a new Epiphone guitar. You’re welcome to participate in the festivities during the open mic portion of the evening. So bring your guitar or drums or even your saw and play away to win the big prize.

Entry costs a mere $5. Arrive after 9 p.m., and bring your good taste. Raffa and Rainer play at midnight, but definitely come early and chug a few while the mic is open. 

For more of
Liz Tracy's Miami missives, visit her blog, Miami, bro.

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