South Florida

Concert Proposals & New Apps: A Look at What Went Viral

The Man in the Mix, Brandon Lopez, has all the latest details on what went viral in the social media landscape this past week.

A tender moment caught camera at a South Florida Christina Aguilera concert. It’s just one of the many things that went viral this week.

Mike Kontomanolis is arguably one of the ­­biggest Christina Aguilera fans out there. So imagine his joy when his partner Ben proposed to him on stage during the concert at the Hard Rock lats week. Mike and Ben entered a contest when Christina asked fans to submit their love stories. Christina’s team loved their story so much, they approached Mike and Ben during a meet and greet and the rest is history. The two have been together almost eight years. Congratulations from everyone at NBC6!

Following that cute guy you met at a bar on Instagram just got a little bit easier. Instagram launched a new feature called Nametag. It’s a custom scannable graphic that allows other users to follow you by snapping a photo. It’s pretty much the same concept as a QR code. You point the camera at the nametag, press and hold the screen and the user’s profile will pop up. You can personalize the nametag with colors, emojis and even selfies.

EgyptAir is standing by a writer for its in-flight magazine who penned a bizarre article reportedly based on an interview with Drew Barrymore. The article was riddled with misspellings and grammatical errors. It described Barrymore as “being unstable in her relationships.” The author claims the interview was real and took place in New York. Barrymore has yet to issue a statement. NBC News could not reach her squad for comment.

iPhone experts, listen to this. The new iOS update includes a new app called Shortcuts. With a little bit of digital elbow grease, you can stitch together several apps and create a script that can be activated by pressing a button or using Siri. One of those new features is called Police. It can record police interactions if and when you get pulled over. All you have to say is ‘Hey Siri, I’m getting pulled over.” That’s when the program pauses the music, turns down the brightness on the screen and turns on Do Not Disturb mode. It also send a text to a predetermined contact to tell them you’ve been pulled over and it starts recording using the phone’s front facing camera.

There’s a look at what went viral this week. I’ll be back next week with more. Remember you can follow me on social media @BrandonLopezTV.

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