Gitty Up

The Miami Beach Polo World Cup charges into town May 1 through 3 behind the Setai

If you didn’t go to Ransom Everglades for high school or grow up on the Island in Palm Beach (read privileged) and all you know about Polo is the steaming divots scene from “Pretty Woman,” head over to the Miami Beach Polo World Cup May 1 through 3.

And if you enjoy seeing ladies racing around on horses smacking balls with mallets, saddle up and ride over today to see the first South Beach Women’s Cup.

Headquartered at The Setai (another hang for the privileged), the Miami Beach Polo World Cup is a weekend-long all-things-polo party. But rest assured, it’s not just limited to white Anglo-Saxon Protestants.

Aside from the games, there will be a polo fashion show from designer La Martina, a parade, cocktail hours, after parties and more. Plus, it’s the only polo tournament in all the U.S. played on the sand.

Just be sure to steer clear of sunbathing on the beach behind the hotel until someone gives that horsey litter box a scoopin’.



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