Give and Get

CLOTHING FOR A CAUSE: Start your spring cleaning today and pull out that top you love, but never wear, and yes, even your lucky dress, to give to a Haiti earthquake victim who needs it more than you. Today, Jessie's Boutique, which has teamed up with charity organization Fashion Delivers, is letting you bring your used and new garbs to donate to the island. Owner Jessica Uchuya is giving ladies an incentive: a discount off anything inside her Aventura and Miami Beach stores. Donate 5 items and get 15 percent off, donate 10 items and get 20 percent off and 15 or more items gets you 25 percent percent off. GET ITJessie Boutique, 20533 Biscayne Blvd.; 305.933.8198; 1708 Alton Road, Miami Beach; 305-604-7980.

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