Lenny Kravitz Talks Miami, Music and His Muse

Being a celebrity in the 21st century cant be easy. And we aren’t just talking about the constant paparazzi. It's because being multifaceted in Hollywood is no longer a luxury; it’s a requirement. Which is probably why Lenny Kravitz has never left the spotlight since shooting to superstardom back in the early ‘90s.

He is  a rock & roll legend, award nominated actor and as of 2003, an interior designer. He has even taken Kravitz Design into local hot spots like the Delano and most recently, Paramount Bay on Biscayne Bay. A place he says will be his new home in 2012.

So before unveiling the first series of details for the highly anticipated South Florida condominium, he sat down with us to talk about Miami, his new music and his muse.

You are or are not a Miami resident?
Well, I sold my house a few years back. I actually don’t call anywhere home. I live between New York, Paris, Bahamas, Brazil, New Orleans and now, Miami again. But ill be living here at Paramount Bay soon. I am not officially back but will be.

How did Kravtiz Design even come about?
It was always there. It started when I was kid and my room. But when I started to get my own places, I didn’t have any money. I would just design and make things myself. Then when I was able to afford things, I couldn’t find what I was looking for, so I decided to make it myself. It became kind of a sickness, so I had to create Kravitz Design.

I know you designed the Florida Room inside the Delano to be very South Beach. Did you tinker Paramount Bay’s design any differently?
Definitely. When you talk about the Florida Room, the inspiration behind that was the fact that my aunt had a screened-in room attached to her house called the Florida Room. I had only seen them here in Miami. But for here, this is meant to be a place for someone looking for somewhere formal, sophisticated, but at the same time, it is comfortable and you can walk around in your flip-flops and shorts.

I know you recently received Paris’ Legion of Honor Award. What did that mean to you?
People like Bob Dylan and Steven Spielberg have received that award, so it was kind of surreal. It was quite an honor and Paris is a city that has always inspired me. My career started in France. But it was a great honor I didn’t expected.

Your "Black and White America" album I would say is one of your best albums yet.
I would agree. They all stand for what they stand for, but there is something special about this album.  Its just where I am in my life right now.

Is your daughter, Zoe, a muse for your music?
Of course. That’s not even a question. I am so proud of her of where she is in her life and all she has done so far. She is doing her thing, and I am just watching it and loving every minute.


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