See Jane Glow

THE SKIN-NY: All-weather leather is in this season—except for when it comes to your skin. We can’t say it enough: Wear sunscreen and cover up. For those of you who insist on getting a summer glow but don’t want to look like a brown leather shoe, take a few tips from Jergens and 30 Rock’s Jane Krakowski. The two teamed up for a You Tube video on how to get a sun-kissed hue without prematurely aging your epidermis. Our favorite option: Jergens Natural Glow Express Body Moisturizer. It’s like you spent a weekend in the sun without so much as leaving your comfy couch—in the AC, nonetheless. Plus, every time you view the video from now until the end of summer, Jergens will donate $1 to The Skin Cancer Foundation. Now you can save your skin and someone else’s. GET IT: Jergens Natural Glow Express Body Moisturizer $8.49.

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