Shopping SATC Style

SHOPPING AND THE CITY: In honor of "Sex and the City 2," Blush Boutique in Brickell wants you to look and feel like one or all of your favorite New York City fashionistas. Stop by on Friday, May 21 and enjoy special discounts on the hottest fashions, delicious drinks and desserts and a special gift with purchase. Also, you will be able to browse and take home SATC-inspired dresses, tops and bottoms for that special movie release day. Covet their ruffle dress that screams Carrie’s opening credits tutu ensemble. So grab your girls, put on your stilettos and brace yourself for a night out full of fun and fashion. Carrie would be so proud. GET IT: Blush Boutique, 900 South Miami Ave., #122, Miami. 305.415.0077.

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