Spin Me A Letter

Wheel of Fortune is ready for you to spin that wheel at its tryout this weekend

It’s the only place on earth where letters are worth hundreds and thousands of dollars and vowels cost you a mint, and it’s called the Wheelmobile. The promotional bus for Wheel of Fortune spins into town this weekend. And it wants you to come on down (wait, wrong game show).

On Saturday and Sunday between noon and 4 p.m. the Wheelmobile parks at Mall of the America’s parking lot. And applicants will be chosen at random for a chance to take a ride on the big yellow bus of Wheel a Fortune fun.

Sure Pat Sajak won’t be there to cheer you on (or get all touchy-feely with you) but if you win one of the Wheelmobile’s three daily shows, you’ll have a shot at seeing Vanna spin you a letter on the big stage.

Just ask her to make it a double.

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