5/12: The Stars Align for You

Some starry outlooks, one all night card game and lots and lots of women

THE STARS ARE ALIGNED: Looking for a little direction in life? Just look up to the stars. Tonight, join astrologer and acupuncturist Lori Bell and Mark Springle to discuss how the cosmos influence your life and to get the most out of the New Moon. Get a head start by emailing your birth time, place and your question to the cosmos in advance. It's tonight at 7:30 at The Standard

HOLD 'EM: Hold 'em and fold 'em! Shuffle a stack and get your poker face on! It's a No Limit Texas Hold 'em Tournament.  The throw down goes on into the wee hours of the morning at 5 a.m.  Win a bar tab, a mystery box prize or points, which go toward a trip to Las Vegas...to battle the real poker pros. Vinyl & Kai, 8:30 P.M.

AQUA GIRL: It's a celebration for women who love women. Aqua girl is a five day event full of dance parties, comedy shows, pool parties and dine out events all benefiting the lesbian, bisexual and transgender women of South Florida. The party kicks off tonight at the Lady Luck Bowlathon at  8 P.M  at Lucky Strike in Miami Beach. The festivities run through Sunday. Click here for more info.

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