What a Little Moonlight Can Do

Museum of Contemporary Art gets your mind moving

When you age, your brain starts to feel slower and emptier. With the mundane movements of daily life, it’s hard to stay sharp and not morph into a disastrous, old, goofy mess. Right here in Miami, on Wednesday nights, it’s possible to give that old brain a nice workout. At the Museum of Contemporary Art by Moonlight, you can participate in lectures, art classes, tours and forums, learning new skills and pumping up your intellect.

Tonight at MOCA, a new open forum, which includes presentations that cover information on creative installation concepts, the future of sustainable design and jewelry design, is called Time for Design. Next week you can get all hands on and learn about drawing with thread with Arts for All. Other future events include Contemporary Art Boot Camp, a lecture series, and figure drawing. By the end of the month, your fingers will be as nimble as your mind, the cobwebs will have cleared from your cranium.

The classes are open to the public, though they cost a small fee. The growth and learning start at 7 p.m. Reservations are required, just visit www.mocanomi.org.

Read more of Liz Tracy's Miami missives on her blog, Miami, bro.

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