What You're Doing Tonight, 7/26

A movie, some mojitos and lots of Marley

MAKE IT RAIN: The Gansevoort's Plunge Movie Night is all Francis Ford Coppola in the month of July, and tonight the theme continues with The Rainmaker, an adaptation of the Grisham novel about, um, something legal and thrilling. 9 P.M.

DOWN BY THE RIVER: Sunday drinkers rejoice -- Finnegan's on the River hosts Detox Sundays with $25 margarita and mojito pitchers, along with $15 buckets of Presidente. Pace yourself with a dip in their pool, because although it's a holy day, no one likes praying to the porcelain god. 'Til 7 P.M.

WE BE JAMMIN: Every time we hear a Bob Marley song, we're taken back to freshman year of college, when we were all about one love (and many joints). The Fish House is throwing their Summer Beach Bash Party, which will feature live reggae and island music, all the beer you can drink, free buffet and a limbo contest (hopefully before all the free beer you can drink). 2 P.M. 'til close.

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