Fort Lauderdale

3 Broward Pharmacies Burglarized: Reports

Police are looking into reports of multiple burglaries overnight in which a trio of suspects reportedly broke in and ransacked three separate pharmacies, including one in Davie and another in Plantation.

Surveillance video from a Walgreen's at 1251 State Road 7 in Plantation showed three masked black men who appeared to break into a front door. The men appear to ransack the pharmacy and other parts of the store.

A similar incident occurred at a Walgreen's at 2710 North University Drive in Davie.

A third store was also broken into, and may have been in Fort Lauderdale.

Police in Davie, Plantation and Fort Lauderdale, as well as the Broward Sheriff's Office are looking into the reports.

No further information was immediately available.

Stay with NBC 6 for updates on this developing story.

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