United States

A-Rod's Cousin to Plead Guilty in Steroids Case

A cousin of New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez is scheduled to plead guilty next week in the baseball steroids scandal, the last defendant remaining in the case.

New court documents show that Yuri Sucart will change his plea at a hearing next Friday before U.S. District Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga. Sucart is currently charged in a seven-count indictment with testosterone distribution and conspiracy to distribute the performance-enhancing substance.

Sucart was among those charged in connection with the now-closed Biogenesis of American clinic in Coral Gables operated by Anthony Bosch, who posed as a doctor. The scandal resulted in the suspensions of 14 baseball players, including Rodriguez for all of last season.

Bosch and the others have pleaded guilty, with Bosch getting the longest sentence at four years in prison.

Copyright AP - Associated Press
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