Austrian Teen Suing Parents Over ‘Embarrassing' Pictures Posted on Social Media

An 18-year-old from Austria has had it with her parents posting what she says are embarrassing pictures on social media – and she’s taking them to court in an effort to stop it from continuing.

The teen says that since 2009, her parents have been posting photos – including ones of her as a baby being potty trained and having her diaper changed. Her lawyer says the parents have posted nearly 500 photos online.

While she has asked multiple times for her parents to take photos down, the teen’s father has refused and insists that since he took the photos, he has the right to publish them. The teen says she is tired of not being taken seriously by her parents, thus prompting the need to file suit.

The case will be heard in November, with the parents possibly having to pay financial compensation and legal fees if they lose the case.

Austria does not have strict privacy laws when it comes to social media unlike other countries in Europe. France, for example, issued a fine and up to one year in jail for publishing images without consent – including parents posting images of their children.

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