
‘Because I Care': Miami-Dade Police Officer's Emotional Video Goes Viral

An emotional Facebook video by a Miami-Dade Police officer discussing the perils of her job went viral Friday.

An emotional Facebook video by a Miami-Dade Police officer discussing the perils of her job went viral Friday.

Officer Lydia Marquez's video (WATCH BELOW) had more than 300,000 views and more than 17,000 shares since it was posted Thursday.

"I may get in trouble for doing this video but I needed to speak out about all these things that are happening to my PD family. Please feel free and SHARE MY VIDEO allow it to go Viral. SHARE SHARE SHARE let my voice be heard for all of us," Marquez wrote in the caption.

The video shows Marquez, sitting in a vehicle and wearing her uniform, discuss a question her 4-year-old son asked about why she was heading to work.

"Because mommy cares, mommy cares. I care," she said.

Marquez explains she's been an officer for 20 years and is a mother of two children. She said she felt compelled to make the video after the conversation with her son.

"When you fill out any official document, for credit, a job, it asks you what your ethnicity is, it asks you what your gender is, it asks if you're black, if you're white, if you're Hispanic, if you're American-Indian, if you're Asian, it asks you all those personal questions," she said. "Yet When you call 911, the person who answers the phone doesn't stop you and ask you any of those questions, no, they ask you 'what's your emergency, how can we help you?'"

She also explains that her job is colorblind.

"We're putting our lives out on the line here because we're going to you cause you need us, not knowing exactly what were going in to and people don't understand that," she said. "We don't ask that dispatcher, 'hold on, wait, is this a black person who's calling, is this a white person who's calling?' That doesn't matter because we don't care, we don't care at all. It's not about color, it's not about any of that, it's about the fact that all lives matter."

Marquez also acknowledges that there are bad cops.

"Yeah, we all have our bad apples, who doesn't? And people forget that," she said.

Marquez ends the video by discussing just how deadly her job can be.

"When I kiss my children in the morning before I go to work and tell them I love them, I don't know if I'm going to be coming back at the end of the day," she said. "I don't know, especially nowadays, and it's hard, it's really hard. But I'm here. Why? Because I care, all lives matter, everyone's life matters."

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I may get in trouble for doing this video but I needed to speak out about all these things that are happening to my PD family. Please feel free and SHARE MY VIDEO allow it to go Viral. SHARE SHARE SHARE let my voice be heard for all of us. Posted by Lydia Marquez on Thursday, September 3, 2015

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