
Biden and Trump in Dead Heat in Battleground Florida: New NBC News/Marist Poll

Trump holds narrow edge over Biden among likely Latino voters, new poll shows

NBC Universal, Inc.

Trump will be in Florida on Tuesday as he campaigns in battleground states, while Biden and Harris have plans in Pennsylvania.

With just eight weeks to go before the election, President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden are tied in Florida, accoring to a new NBC News/Marist poll released Tuesday.

The poll shows both Trump and Biden with the support of 48% of likely voters in the Sunshine State, a key battleground in the 2020 presidential election.

Among registered Florida voters, Trump has a slim 48-47% edge over Biden in the poll.

“It’s not unusual for Florida to be this close,” said Lee Miringoff, the director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, which conducted the survey.

Trump won Florida by just more than 1 percentage point four years ago over Hillary Clinton.

In a significant break from 2016, Trump holds the narrow edge over Biden among likely Latino voters, 50% to 46% – with Trump leading sizably among Latinos of Cuban descent, and with Biden just slightly ahead among all other Latinos in the state.

In the 2016 race, Clinton bested Trump among Florida Latinos, 62% to 35%, according to the exit poll.

Another major difference from 2016 is among seniors. The poll shows Biden with a slim lead among seniors in the state, 49% to 48%, but four years ago, Trump won Florida seniors, 57% to 40%, according to the exit poll.

Biden’s biggest advantages in Florida in the new poll are among Black likely voters (83% to 11%), women (57% to 40%) and independents (51% to 40%).

Trump, meanwhile, leads among men (58% to 38%), white voters (56% to 41%) and whites without college degrees (63% to 35%).

The poll of 766 likely voters was conducted from August 31 to Sept. 6 and included 35% of likely voters who identify as Republicans, 32% who identify as Democrats and 31% who identify as independents. The margin of error was plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.

For more on the poll from NBC News, click here.

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