Braman Tries to Bully Commission – Again

Commission expresses fear of Norman Braman

When Norman Braman speaks, the people listen. But that doesn't necessarily mean the Miami-Dade County Commission should.

The bold billionaire who just got Carlos Alvarez kicked out of office is doing his best to show who's the real boss of the county.

This time, he sent an e-mail to the commission Friday demanding they accept his resolutions for charter reform Monday instead of the ones commissioners discussed a week ago.

Yes, that's "demand," not "request" or "ask."

The e-mail was not a veiled threat. Commissioners knew he meant business and said as much at the Monday meeting.

The commission decided to table the charter reform discussion, but the fear in the room was present. No one wants to step on Braman's toes for fear they will feel the wrath of his deep pockets.

“He’s obviously a man of his word and when he says he’s going to do something, he’s going to do something,” Commissioner Carlos Gimenez said.

But should one man have that much power, even if it appears to be for the good of taxpayers?

Braman took particular offense to a proposed reform that would increase a commissioner's salary from around $6,000 to $92,000.

His brash "my way or the highway" approach threatens to turn the commission and county hall into a house of fear where nothing gets done unless Braman approves.

Then, exactly who does that benefit? 

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