Brave Teen Who Lost Leg Ready to Move Forward

Monica Pong says she's still in pain but getting around and looking forward to college

Displaying a remarkably upbeat attitude, the teen girl who lost her leg in a frightening car accident outside her South Florida high school spoke publicly for the first time Thursday, saying she's looking forward to the future and not dwelling on the past.

"I just want to move forward and continue with my life and go on to a regular routine and graduate with my friends and go to college and hopefully get accepted to UF," said a smiling Monica Pongpluempitichai, who goes by Monica Pong for short.

The 18-year-old was joined by her family and lawyer at Thursday's news conference, where she said she remembers every moment from last month's accident outside Archbishop McCarthy High School, when she was struck by an out of control car while she was giving middle school students a tour of the school.

"I remember that day very well," said Pong, who choked up, briefly.

Pong spent several days in the hospital and was finally released from a rehabilitation center last week. She's using a wheelchair to get around and crutches to get up the stairs to her second-floor apartment in Hollywood, and still goes to rehab three times a week.

"I still go through some pain but that's normal, and I'm just trying to work hard and do what it takes to get back on my feet again," Pong said. "I know it's going to be long and difficult, but it's just something I have to work at, really hard."

Pong thanked the paramedics, doctors and nurses who have helped her the past few weeks, as well as her family, friends, school and the community as a whole who have helped her keep strong throughout her ordeal.

"I have good people surrounding me, I have a good group of friends and family that supported me throughout this whole thing," Pong said. "The thought never occurred to me to wallow in self pity, I just felt like this happened, there's nothing I can do, let's just move forward."

The next step for Pong will be to get fitted for a prosthetic leg.

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