Broward Gives Miami A Run For Its Honey

Can't get enough of your love, neighbor!

A week ago Amazon named Miami America's second most romantic city, based on sales of Barry White albums, sex and relationship books, romantic comedies, and "sexual wellness" products. And that was before Jimmy Johnson started hawking a particular brand of pills.

One NBCMiami reader, however, couldn't help but be confronted with all the romance going on around the Fort Lauderdale area yesterday while running errands. In fact, Pompano Beach resident Bob Saley reports Broward County was so loved up it sported a "Heartbreak Hotel"-singing Elvis impersonator selling flowers near the intersection of Dixie Highway and Commercial Boulevard.

What, no "A Little Less Conversation?

But that wasn't all. At Lucarella's in Oakland Park, the moon hit his eye like so many hand-tossed, heart-shaped pizza pies (and pizza? that's amore).

Cheese? Don't mind if we do.

Two stops, two ways to say I love you. Cupid was even busier than that, though, because a jaunt to Kilwin's in Lauderdale By The Sea produced yet a third public display of affection in the form of owner Vince Deni's hand-dipped chocolate apples.

Gauntlet: thrown, 305. 

So how about that, Amazon? Miami might have its romance packaged and shipped on the regular, but you can't even begin to escape the tender feelings of the next county up -- unless you run, of course, because Later Years Elvis isn't very fast.

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