
Broward Humane Society Launches Animal Education Program for Young Children

The Humane Society of Broward County has launched a new education program to help teach children how to treat animals.

The "Pups and Tots" program is geared toward young children, from newborns to four years. The shelter's education department aims to teach kids respect and kindness to animals.

The one-hour class includes story time, an activity, and visits from furry friends. The first "Pups and Tots" session showed children how to properly pet a dog, and listened to a book reading of "Tails Are Not For Pulling." Kids also had the chance to meet the Humane Society's education dogs, Daisy and Cooper.

Adults and children must be registered to attend. The cost is $12.00 per adult, per class. Fore more information or to register for the class, visit the Humane Society's website and click on the Kids Zone tab.

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