Celebrity Rooster Gets Evicted

Miami Beach officials say Mr. Clucky belongs on a farm

Only a few months ago, Mr. Clucky was given the honor of grand marshal at the King Mango Strut Parade in Coconut Grove.

He has also participated in various forms of activism throughout South Florida, including a couple of protests against Wackenhut.

And if you search for “Mr. Clucky” on Flickr, you will come up with more than 100 photos from a multitude of photographers who have photographed the South Beach rooster along with his overalls-clad owner, Mark Buckley.

But now Miami Beach officials are trying to evict the feathered celebrity from his South Beach studio apartment.

Obviously, the city with a 5 a.m. liquor license doesn’t appreciate a rooster crowing at 6 a.m.

Buckley, who rescued Mr. Clucky more than two years ago after the rooster survived a Santeria sacrifice, says he will fight the eviction.

On May 27, a Miami Beach code compliance officer knocked on his door and handed him a citation, accusing him of harboring farm animals in his studio apartment just a stone’s throw from Lincoln Road.

They also learned that he was harboring a helmeted Guinea hen named Wallflower, which is also considered a farm animal.

And as of Friday afternoon, he was harboring a wounded dove that he had rescued off of Lincoln Road.

“It fell out of its nest so I am nursing it back to health,” he said. “I’ll take care of it, then I’ll let it go.”

Buckley vows to file a petition on Monday.

“Mr. Clucky has become an ambassador for animals who don’t have a voice,” he said. “For animals that are sequestered away in processing plants and tortured for profit.”

Buckley, who has been a vegetarian most of his life, says he has nursed several birds back to health.

“They always come back to visit once I let them go,” he said. “They love Mr. Clucky.”

Check out Mr. Clucky's website. 

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