Florida Asks Kids To Talk to the Elderly About Safe Sex

State health department officials say as STDs rise among seniors, it's time to discuss that thing you pretend never happens: your parents having sex

Thanks to a rise in STDs among a very randy senior set, health officials are turning the tables on "the talk."

Things have gotten so out of hand that now young people are encouraged by the Florida Department of Health to talk to their parents about safe sex, reports NBC affiliate WBBH.

"The increase is in asking them to consider using protections," said Lee County Health Department spokesman Diane Holm. "In the past, previous generations were not as sexually active with so many different partners."

You can say that again. South Florida saw a 60 percent rise in chlamydia and syphilis among those age 55 and older between the years 2005 and 2009, according to an analysis of Centers for Disease for Control and Prevention data by the Orlando Sentinel.

Experts say many older people simply have no experience practicing safe sex, and a rise in HIV/AIDS rates shows they're especially vulnerable.

The state of Florida projects that by 2015 most instances of HIV/AIDS will be found among people 50-years-old and over, reports WBBH.

In 2009, the Department of Health said around 20 percent of new cases were found in that age range.

Perhaps even more horrifying, health officials aren't offering to have the talk for you -- or erase though of old people doin' it from young and scarred minds. The subject, however, will likely not be as surprising to parents.

"[Older people] definitely have sex on their mind," said Yuanita Laffon, a senior citizen in Fort Myers. "I live in a place where, oh my, I would say eight out of ten are looking for men."

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