Christmas Lights Burn Home Down

A Northwest Miami-Dade home was destroyed by a fire

We know you worked hard to win your neighborhood's Christmas decoration contest, but when the calender turns to a new year, it's time to take them down.

One Miami-Dade family learned that tough lesson early Thursday morning when their home went up in smoke after electrical wiring with their Christmas display caused a fiery display.

The family still had its Christmas tree up, fully lit. Firefighters said the chord that lit the tree was tucked underneath a door, and the constant opening and closing of the entrance during and after the holiday season eventually wore down the chord and caused an electrical fire.

The entire home was a loss, but the family escaped with no injuries. The Red Cross is working with them to find a temporary place to live.

So let that be a lesson to some of you procrastinators who are still marveling in the splendor of your Christmas display.


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