Controversial Police Chief to Chair Discipline Panel

Richard Perez is accused of sending obscene and racist jokes from his city e-mail account

South Florida police chief in hot water over racist and obscene e-mails may be getting a prelude of things to come when he chairs a state panel Tuesday to decide the fate of 30 cops who have been accused of misconduct.

Wilton Manors Police Chief Richard Perez will head the Florida Department of Law Enforcement disciplinary hearings Tuesday, less than a week after it was revealed he may have a disturbing taste in humor.

An investigation of his city e-mail account found dozens of racist and offensive e-mails, which Perez often forwarded to his command staff and other police officers in the city.

“Dwayne pimps 3 ho's. If the price is $85 per trick, how many tricks per day must each ho turn to support Dwayne's $800 per day Crack habit?” reads one e-mail.

He also sent another audio e-mail that included the N-word.

The city and the Broward State Attorney's Office is looking into the matter.

For the time being, Perez still has his job and his post as chairman of the disciplinary committee. Among the issues Perez will be ruling on is cops who have committed felonies and misdemeanors involving false statements.

There is also a section of officers listed under "Moral Character."

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