Cops: “Dude, Where's My Car?”

Cops are on the hunt for daring thieves who nabbed an unmarked police car loaded with weapons

in the never ending battle of good versus evil, isn't it like an unwritten rule for thieves not to rob a cop? Well, that code was broken Friday morning after a Hialeah cop had his car stolen.

The unmarked car was loaded with weapons, riot gear and possibly an emergency light, police said. Considering the recent rash of people impersonating cops in Miami-Dade, a criminal equipped with an emergency light could be seriously bad news for unwary motorists.

"It is a dangerous situation. We do believe whoever did this knew exactly whose car he was stealing. . . . Anybody that brazen is a hardened criminal,'' Hialeah police spokesman Carl Zogby told the Miami Herald.

The car, a 2000 gold Ford Taurus, was stolen at around 4 a.m. while parked in front of the Flanigan's Seaford Bar and Grill at 1550 W. 84th St. Police are looking at surveillance tape from the restaurant to see if they can get a glimpse of the culprit.

For now, if you have a question about the police officer pulling you over, call in to 911 to confirm the cop is who he or she says they are, but it's not a license to run, police warn.

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