Coral Springs School Shares Lesson About Texting And Driving

Driving home, the danger of alcohol and texting while behind the wheel, especially now during prom season.

On a typical weekend in the U.S., one teenager dies every hour in a car crash. Nearly half of those involve alcohol, and a growing number are from texting. Hear from teacher Cyndi Wildroudt and student Tatiana Zoino.

On a typical weekend in the U.S., one teenager dies every hour in a car crash. Nearly half of those involve alcohol, and a growing number are from texting.

“It can happen. It’s so real, and it can happen so quick,” says Coral Springs Charter School teacher Cyndi Wildroudt.

It was the tough, but real-life lesson taught Thursday at Coral Springs Charter School. Driving home, the danger of alcohol and texting while behind the wheel, especially now during prom season.

“They think they are invisible. And they are young and it can’t happen to them. But we’ve seen it happen and it has happened here at the school,” said Wildroudt.

Teachers had students participated in a simulation, which demonstrates how alcohol and texting impair your judgement.

“You don’t expect the wheel to not move when you expect it to. And things come out of nowhere. You can’t stop in time,” said Tatiana Zoino,a student.

Eighty percent of all distraction-related accidents are caused by texting and driving, but the folks at Coral Springs Charter School are hoping to change that statistic.

“It definitely was a real experience for me. So I’ll keep that in my mind. I don’t want to put myself in danger or anybody else,” Zoino said. 

Teachers hope this lesson in school will be one the students will never forget.

“We are hoping that if we just save one life or if one child gets this, then for us we’ve made a difference and that’s what we are trying to do.”

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