
‘Don't Judge Challenge' Currently Trending Among Supporters and Critics

Millennials across the nation are adorning themselves with drawn on uni-brows, acne, messy hair and missing teeth, and creating transformation videos for the trending #dontjudgechallenge.

Most videos follow a standard sequence. Using a front face camera, participants appear on screen with false faces that are caricatures of “unattractive” facial attributes, the most common being marker-made pimples and thick eyebrows. After a sufficient amount of camera time, participants then place their hands on the camera, blocking the view.

Participants then appear on screen as their normal “attractive” selves with makeup, polished hair, smooth skin, and new-found confidence. The transformation aims to get people to not “judge a book by its cover.”

YouTuber beauty blogger Em Ford posted the video, “YOU LOOK DISGUSTING” on her YouTube channel on July 1. Ford describes the negative commentary she received when she began posting images of herself without makeup on social media. These reactions are juxtaposed next to the positive reactions she receives when she posts images of herself in a full-face of makeup. The video concludes with Ford still trying to navigate the negative comments of her natural appearance, with or without makeup, ending with the statement “You are beautiful/Don’t let anyone tell you differently/Not even yourself.”

Data from Topsy.com suggests that the #dontjudgechallenge rose in popularity around the time of Ford’s posting. Since the video was posted on July 1, it has been viewed over 8 million times on YouTube, while the corresponding hashtag has been used almost 1.7 million times on Twitter. 

Although many have taken to social media in support of the hashtag, there has been push back to the messaging around it.

Some critics of the "Don’t Judge Challenge" say it's message celebrates specific types of beauty, and denounces the facial attributes presented before each participant’s transformation which some say is counter to Ford’s message.

What are your thoughts on the #dontjudgechallenge? Tweet us your thoughts at @NBC6!

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