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Dr. Eddie Ramírez

Doctor, Research Scientist, Author

Dr. Eddie Ramírez is a medical doctor, research scientist, published author and international speaker. He has 27 years of experience working in lifestyle centers worldwide applying therapeutic modalities to different medical problems. He has more than 120 published studies in the scientific literature documenting the effects of lifestyle changes on different pathologies and the effects of Dr. Neil Nedley’s depression program.

Dr. Ramírez's work has been featured on NBC’s Texoma, Icelandic National TV and Ecuavision. He is a co-author of the 3rd edition of the textbook Lifestyle Medicine, and the book Rethink Food, together with Neal Barnard, Michael Greger, Hans Diehl, Joel Furhman and other lifestyle medicine leaders. He also enjoys traveling and serving others with his family.

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