
Florida's New Medical Marijuana Law Having Big Impact on Miami Family

Florida’s new medical marijuana law is set to have a big impact on many families throughout the state, including one right here in Miami. Bruno Stillo suffers from epilepsy but Wednesday is a big day, with marijuana oil being delivered to his mom for the first time ever.

Florida's new medical marijuana law is set to have a big impact on many families throughout the state, including one right here in Miami.

Bruno Stillo suffers from epilepsy but Wednesday is a big day, with marijuana oil being delivered to his mom for the first time ever.

"Just knowing that it can be brought to my house, to my living room, and I do not have to worry about going anywhere or if he is having a seizure in the car or is my mom taking care of him, is he okay with her," mother Jacel Delgadillo told NBC 6.

Just going outside, a simple task for most of us, is not easy at all for Delgadillo. Bruno, five years old, is a big boy, and it can be difficult getting him around.

Florida's medical marijuana laws now permit delivery of marijuana oil. Seven organizations are licensed to grow and distribute the oil.

Amendment 2, which passed in November, also allows patients to use a higher strength marijuana. State officials are crafting the framework for expanding the state's medical marijuana program.

The bureaucracy, and slow start of a medical marijuana program, can take a toll on a family.

"I did not want my son to be one of the children who passed away, waiting, because I know parents that lost their children while they were waiting," Delgadillo said.

Cannabis oils have greatly reduced the number of seizures that Bruno suffers. For his mom, it's all about quality of life. She says home delivery will make a big difference, and more potent oils will help even more.

"I am thankful that it finally is moving along and that there is more coming with it, baby steps will lead us to broader steps and relief," Delgadillo said.

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