Free Willy? Wayward Whale Spotted Near Pompano Beach

Baby sperm whale that docked in South Beach has been spotted off Pompano Beach

A baby sperm whale that docked itself at a South Beach marina on Tuesday then went missing has been spotted north off the shores of Pompano Beach, officials said Thursday.

The 10-foot long whale was seen by boaters bobbing up and down in the water around 2 p.m., but then it disappeared before NOAA scientists could make it to the scene.

The whale has been playing a hide-and-seek game with researchers for two days since it escaped a boat blockade in Biscayne Bay two days ago. It has good reason to.

Researchers have said because they cannot find the calf's mother, they will have to euthanize the sea mammal for fear it cannot survive on its own in the wild. Weird solution for an orphan, but the whale has been smart enough to stay out of sight except for today's sighting.

U.S. Coast Guard helicopters and boats are patrolling the area off Pompano Beach in case the whale surfaces again.

We're not sure who to root for.

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