Miami Beach

Gyms, Movie Theaters & More Businesses to Re-Open in Miami Beach on Monday


People eat on the patio of a restaurant on Ocean Drive in South Beach, Miami, on May 27, 2020, as Miami Beach reopens to business.

The City of Miami Beach announced Friday that more businesses and facilities would be allowed to reopen as of Monday, June 8th as long as they follow sanitary guidelines. Beaches, however, will remain closed until Miami-Dade County lifts its curfew.

Miami Beach gyms, fitness studios, tattoo parlors, massage studios and summer camps have all been given the green light to open next week.

Movie theaters, concert houses, auditoriums, playhouses and bowling alleys are also allowed to reopen if they submit a "COVID mitigation plan" to the city and county.

Standalone bars and nightclubs must remain closed and entertainment is not allowed, but bars or pubs that are licensed as public good service establishments are allowed to open to sell food and drinks.

Dog parks were reopened Friday. City officials also said that some "youth sports" would be allowed to resume on Monday with certain social distancing and safety rules in place.

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