Alleged Victims of Rape Involving FIU Baseball Star Test Negative for Drugs

The FIU baseball player and 4 others arrested for alleged incident with 2 teen girls

Two 17-year-old girls who are accusing Garrett Wittels, the Florida International University baseball player who acheived notoriety for obtaining a hitting streak of 56, and his friends of rape tested positive for alcohol, but not drugs.

Last week Wittels, 20, and four others were arrested last week in the Bahamas, charged in connection with the rape of the teenage girls.

Wittels left for the the Atlantis Resort and Casino with his friends -- Robert Rothschild, 21, Jonathan Oberti, 21, Steven Tromberg, and Jon Shapiro -- on December 18. The incident in question reportedly happened on the Dec. 20.

Wittels is charged in the rape of one of the teens.

Wittels' father, Michael, told the Herald that the friends met the two girls in question at the resort, who then accompanied them willingly to a party. He also said that there is video surveillance that shows his son and the other boys weren't the aggressors.

Regardless, Wittels and Rothschild were charged with two counts of rape, while Oberti was charged with raping one and Tromberg and Shapiro being held in connection with the incident.

"Anyone can accuse anyone of anything at any time,'' Wittels' father, Michael, told the Herald. "He's not doing well, obviously. He's blown away. He's devastated that someone would accuse him of this.''

However, Wittels seems to at least be attempting to carry on as usual, Tweeting about celebrating after the Heat/Lakers game and FIU football's win last night against Toledo in the Little Caesar's Pizza Bowl.

NBCMiami recently contacted FIU about the incident, but Michael Wittels says he hopes the media doesn't "hang him" for an allegation, because he adds, "that's all this is.''

A preliminary hearing is scheduled for April 18th.

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