
Huge Turnout of Donors at Fort Lauderdale Blood Drive

Immediately after the mass shooting, calls went out to donate to local blood banks to replace blood that was being used. People all across Florida answered that call.

Immediately after the mass shooting in Orlando, calls went out to donate to local blood banks to replace blood that was being used. People all across Florida answered that call.

There was a lot of love inside the OneBlood bus in Fort Lauderdale Tuesday, where Ann Major donated for the first time. Emotional over what happened at Pulse nightclub Sunday, she faced her fear and gave blood.

"It could've happened to my kids or to me, so why not," she said.

An urgent call for blood in Orlando prompted people to give all over the state, raising awareness of the need everywhere.

In Fort Lauderdale, dozens of donors braved the heat to send a message of love and support.

"This is the least any of us can do. I'm trying to do my part and donate the blood that I have. Hopefully make a small difference in our community and up in Orlando. It's tragic what happened up there," said Danny Janes, blood donor.

Tuesday's blood drive was so successful, a second bus was brought in to help handle the growing line outside. What's donated will stay in Broward County, where there is always a need.

Tuesday, June 14 also marked World Blood Donor Day.

A typical, successful day is getting 10 to 15 people to donate. There were at least 50 donors Tuesday by people moved to help those impacted by the Orlando tragedy.

For more information on donating, call 1-888-9-Donate or click here.

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