Ice Water Challenge Helps 3-Year-Old Fight Cancer

An ice water plunge to raise money for a 3-year-old fighting cancer is going viral and from firefighters to our own NBC 6 staff, everyone is taking part and challenging others.

This isn’t just any challenge and it’s not just about the money. The firefighters at a downtown Miami station are just one of many across South Florida who are making a splash for a 3-year-old with cancer and the challenge has gone viral.

It’s a chilling challenge, but even the warmest of hearts here at Miami Fire Station 1B were up for the task.

"All proceeds go to Jesse Santere's family to support Jesse jr.," firefighter Steve Lora said.

Without any hesitation, each splash, jump, dip, and dunk into ice cold water is for one reason. A cute little 3-year-old boy named Jesse Santere. He was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic Leukemia.

"They’re going through the biggest challenge of their life,” Lora said. “So if I can challenge myself; that means I can support them."

It’s called the “Ice Water Challenge” and its gone viral. Video after video shows mostly firefighters across South Florida dunking themselves in ice cold water. If they accept the challenge in 24 hours, they donate $10 to help Jesse Junior. If they don’t; they have to donate $100.

Jesse Santere Sr, said "It’s crazy. It’s a lot. Little man loves watching every single video. He loves watching every single video."

At the end of each challenge, the person then has to call out five other people. At Miami Station 1B anybody is fair game!

A firefighter said, "Who’s hot right now, we want to call out the Big 3...Chris Bosh, LeBron James, and D-Wade."

Including politicians....

Another firefighter said, "And I’m gonna call out (Mayor) Regalado...I wanna see you here!"

And Team 6 made the cut!

Lt. Ignatius Carroll said, "So now what I’d like to do is I’d like to call out Jawan Strader to do the plunge. Jawan, let’s do it!"

Santere said, "It means a lot. It means that there’s a lot of people thinking about us and praying about us and we have a lot of support through this whole battle were faced with."

The challenge has raised more than $27,000 in just 12 days. If you’d like to contribute, click here to find out more about Jesse’s Journey.

NBC 6’s Jamie Guirola wasn’t immune from the challenge either. He took the challenge and took it upon himself to call out a few of his coworkers. See how the challenge went for Jamie at the link below.!/on-air/as-seen-on/Web-Extra--NBC-6-s-Jamie-Guirola-Calls-Out-Team-6-On-Ice-Water-Challenge/260865901
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